Families at Risk Under the NDP

This past February, the BC NDP government pressured the District of North Vancouver into approving a project that blatantly ignores the concerns of our community and undermines both  safety and common sense. Despite strong opposition from local residents, they pushed ahead with a Provincially funded plan to build a homeless shelter and drug-use facility across from a daycare right in the heart of a family-oriented neighborhood on East Keith Road and Mountain Highway.

This development is not only located directly across from a daycare in a family neighborhood, but the BC NDP has failed to address the serious concerns raised by residents. This high-density, low-barrier project is a reckless experiment that prioritizes ideology over the legitimate safety concerns of our community. We’ve already seen the disastrous impact of similar projects, like the Travelodge on Capilano Road, where calls to the police surged 6x after it was converted into supportive housing. Is this the future we want for East Keith Road and our community?

Let’s be clear—homelessness and addiction require real solutions, not reckless decisions that endanger the very communities they claim to help. Yet David Eby and the BC NDP have chosen to ignore the voices of thousands of residents who protested this project. Proposals to move it to a safer location or provide housing without allowing substance use were rejected by the NDP Government, which is funding the project. They are forcing this development into our neighborhoods without offering real, effective measures to prevent the inevitable rise in crime and public safety issues that will follow.

While the need for supportive housing and complex care for individuals experiencing homelessness is undeniable, David Eby and the BC NDP government’s plan to build a homeless shelter at East Keith Road and Mountain Highway is deeply troubling. This decision shows a concerning disregard for the safety and well-being of the community. Rather than implementing a comprehensive, long-term solution to homelessness, this project highlights the BC NDP's tendency to pursue short-term fixes that risk exacerbating the very problems they claim to address. It’s yet another example of their inadequate policies, demonstrating a lack of genuine concern for both the vulnerable individuals in need and the communities they impact.

As your BC Conservative candidate, I will fight to protect our community from reckless, ideologically driven decisions like this. If elected, I will work to prioritize holistic solutions that emphasize rehabilitation over continued drug use, while at the same time work to relocate housing projects to areas away from schools, daycares, and family neighborhoods.

We need real solutions that address homelessness and addiction without putting our neighborhoods at risk. David Eby and the BC NDP’s plan is not the answer. Let’s work together to demand better, safer policies for North Vancouver-Seymour. The NDP must be held accountable for their reckless decisions, and that starts by voting them out on October 19.


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