About Sam Chandola

Sam Chandola is the BC Conservative candidate for MLA for North Vancouver - Seymour.

Sam has been committed to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in British Columbia for years. As the founder of multiple technology startups, he has created hundreds of jobs in B.C. and achieved three successful exits, making significant contributions to the local economy.


Sam outlines why he decided to run for MLA for North Vancouver - Seymour


Sam is guided by 5 Core Principles that shape his views on policy and life.

  • Respect for individual rights is of paramount importance. That means ensuring that the government stays out of people's private lives, and that its actions do not invade on individual liberties. The Government's role is to guarantee and protect the rights of all of its citizens, regardless of race, colour, religion, sexuality, ethnicity and political ideology

  • A key element of good decision making is using data and history, and making well considered decisions that reflect the deep responsibility that comes with representing constituents and spending taxpayer dollars. That means making decisions based on evidence and not ideology.

  • Freedom of Speech doesn't exist to protect speech that we like to hear. It exists to protect speech that we don't like to hear.

    Acknowledging and respecting someone's opinion - especially when you don't agree with it - is a critical building block of a civil society. It would be naive to assume that all 5 million people in BC will share the same opinion. Different opinions are the foundations of a successful, thriving democracy and branding each other as radicals or extremists for holding different views is an example of the pendulum having swung too far away from the center.

    There are wonderful insights to be found and pain points discovered when we disagree but delve into what shaped another's opinion.

  • We cannot continue to steal from the future to pay for the excesses of today. BC needs a course correction to get back on the path to balanced budgets. There is no such thing as free money - if we are borrowing today, it will have to be paid back by future generations, either directly in the form of taxes or indirectly in the form of inflation.

    We need to ensure that the BC economy is robust and thriving to secure the future of younger generations of British Columbians.

  • Integrity is crucial in a civil society for fostering win-win situations, as it builds trust and transparency in interactions. When politicians act ethically, they promote fairness, ensuring all parties feel valued and respected. This foundation of honesty encourages collaboration and reduces conflicts, allowing politicians from different stripes to work together on solutions that benefit everyone.


Sam's career is marked by his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to the tech industry. He was the founder of multiple startups in sectors varying from gaming to ecommerce to data analytics. Recognized for his achievements, he was awarded the 2014 BC Business Top 30 under 30 award and the 2017 TMX Canada’s Next 150 Award. In 2021, he was named one of the Top 24 people of Asian Descent to Watch by the Vancouver Economic Commission. In 2020, he launched First Fund to support BC startups as a first investor, and backing over 30 tech companies and 80+ first-time entrepreneurs in the last 4 years.

Sam is deeply committed to his community. He actively supports numerous non-profit organizations, including Athletics for Kids, KidSafe Project Society, Variety B.C., Children’s Wish Foundation, and Covenant House, raising over $3 million for their initiatives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sam founded CovidHelper.org, a non-commercial initiative that assisted thousands of seniors and families.

Sam has coached students on entrepreneurship at events and universities such as Pecha Kucha Nights, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and the Center for Digital Media. He has also volunteered with Defy Ventures, providing Entrepreneurship coaching for prisoners looking to rehabilitate and return to society.

Becoming a father in 2023 further fueled his dedication to community service, inspiring him to leverage his extensive experience in technology, innovation, and business to influence policy positively. Sam is focused on addressing key issues such as housing affordability, a stagnating economy, and a broken healthcare system, advocating for the needs of North Vancouver-Seymour. He is dedicated to raising his family on the North Shore, where he has lived for over half a decade, and is committed to ensuring a prosperous and sustainable environment for his children and future generations.

in the community

  • The primary motivation for Sam to run for office was to get the economy back on track, starting with reining in the deficit. Under the NDP, our provincial deficit is projected to hit $129 Billion next year. Interest costs alone are $4 Billion a year!

    That $4 Billion could help us build a new bridge to the North Shore or build ~4,000 affordable homes. But now, that is just money we’re taking away from future generations. If we are borrowing today, we will pay for it in the future - either directly (taxes) or indirectly (inflation).

    His economic policy will focus on: 

    1. Reform policies to stimulate job creation in the private sector

    2. Improve efficiency in government to deliver on-time, on-budget results for projects backed by public spending

    3. Cut wasteful spending and balance the budget

    To know more about his thoughts on how to recover our province’s economy, click here

    1. Families in British Columbia are struggling to make ends meet. Sam understands that and if he is elected and forms government with the Conservative Party of BC, they will help British Columbians by:
      1. Introducing a provincial income tax rebate for renters and homeowners, starting in 2026. The rebate will exempt up to $3,000 a month spent on rent or mortgage interest from provincial income taxes. This will be applicable for households making under $250,000 a year.

    2. Getting rid of the provincial carbon tax, bringing down the price of gas. This will have a cascading effect on the prices of goods and services, starting including groceries and other daily use goods.

  • Everyone has a healthcare related horror story, particularly around wait times. Sam and the Conservative Party of BC want to reform our healthcare system to get to a better funding model - one that puts patient outcomes and results first. 

    They have a strategy to attract doctors and nurses today to solve the ridiculous wait times to access healthcare, and also a medium to longer term plan that trains doctors for the future and invests in facilities. Sam has written in detail about this here.

  • Sam knows that we need to increase the rate at which affordable homes are being built. If elected, he will be putting forward a private members bill proposing that any real estate developer looking to build purpose-built affordable housing will be able to access low-interest financing from the government. One of the key reasons most developers don't build affordable housing is that it doesn't work for their P&L. By offering them low-interest loans to build affordable housing, we significantly reduce their cost of capital, giving them a financial incentive to focus on building purpose-built affordable housing. This will be a way we can get hundreds of developers all over BC to take on the initiative of building affordable housing, with the Provincial Government acting as the facilitator through our low-interest loans.

  • Our drug policy needs to consider BOTH public safety and care for victims of addiction. Care for victims is absolutely essential - but there is absolutely no merit in locating or building new facilities for this in residential areas near schools and daycare centers, like the one that has been approved at the intersection of Mountain Highway and East Keith Road. 

    BC needs to invest in more beds in rehabilitation centres, and directly attack the cause over treating the symptoms. This would mean getting serious about cutting off illicit drug supplies and in support for victims of addiction.

  • Sam strongly opposes this project, which would put a facility to house people requiring care for drug addiction issues just across the street from a daycare and in a residential neighborhood. Sam believes that we must put public safety first and while such facilities are essential they should be located away from residential areas.

    He condemns the BC NDP for forcing the approval despite strong opposition from local residents backed by crime rate data showing a 6x increase in RCMP visits. Sam commits to doing everything possible to roll back Provincial Funding on this decision, and ensure that no such projects that receive provincial funding are located in residential areas.

    Click here to read Sam's full statement on this issue.

  • North Shore residents spend several hours a week just waiting to get on to the bridge. Sometimes, they're only going to the local stores but still get stuck in the line-up to the bridge. This is with a dedicated lane for traffic heading towards Dollarton and Seymour. The MOTI under the BC NDP government is pushing through a reckless plan to eliminate the dedicated lane without proper consultation and against the wishes of the DNV. Sam is against this plan and has written in detail about the need to maintain the dedicated lane and the need for further improvements to our bridge infrastructure here.

  • The cost of the North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant was budgeted for $700 million and ended up costing $4B with completion delayed by 4 years. This is just yet another example of acute financial mismanagement by the BC NDP government. The mismanagement associated with this project will leave future generations to deal with the resulting debt. Sam and the Conservative Party of BC are dedicated to improving oversight and management of taxpayer-funded initiatives, ensuring that future projects are completed efficiently, transparently, and within budget.

  • The land east and north of the Second Narrows bridge has been spotlighted as one of the most hazard-prone areas in Metro Vancouver. Risks include potential failure of the Seymour Dam leading to flooding and higher impacts from earthquakes, triggering landslides, and even swallowing up buildings and cars. This has also been reported by our local media.Over a year ago, the provincial government spent $125,000 on a flood risk assessment project, yet the findings remain hidden, and not a single update on flood mitigation efforts has been provided .Sam will work towards making the Upper Seymour flood risk assessment report public and will advocate to make the necessary changes to zoning, building codes, and emergency preparedness.

  • Climate change is a huge threat, but BC cannot solve it by taxation given our global emissions are tiny (64 Megatonnes) compared to China (13,000 Megatonnes) and India (3,000 Megatonnes). To solve this global issue, Sam proposes investing in Carbon Capture R&D, and then exporting that technology to China, India and the US to make a true global difference in reducing carbon emissions while creating green, high tech and well paying jobs in our communities.

  • Taking care of our environment means taking care of our wildlife. Sam is against open-net factory fish farming that release sea lice, parasites, and other diseases on the migration routes of wild salmon - and is committed to being a strong advocate on the issue to mitigate damage to wild salmon habitats.

  • Sam believes that British Columbia is at the frontline of climate change risks. We have seen heat-domes with entire towns burned down, atmospheric rivers resulting in highways to be washed away and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns causing loss of lives, livelihood and property. If elected, he will strongly advocate for an extensive risk assessment of disaster management practices and emergency preparedness protocols across BC.

Issues and positions



Get in touch with Sam and let him know about issues that concern you in North Vancouver-Seymour.